Sequence level training with recurrent neural networks

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1 Introduction

  In the previous  seq2seq approach, the model is trained to predict the next word given the previous ground truth words as input. And at the test time , the resulting model is used to generate the entire sequence by predicting one word at a time and feeding the generated word back as the input at the next time step.

   This process is problematic because firstly the model is trained on a different distribution of inputs, namely , words drawn from the data distribution as opposed to words drawn from the model distribution.  Secondly, the loss function used to train these model is at the word level. A popular choice is the cross-entropy loss used to maximize the probability of the next correct word.

   So this paper solved the two problems by using the model prediction at training stage and directly optimize some metrics on the sequence level. 

2 Model

2.1 Data As Demonstrator 


2.2 E2E


At time step t+1, we take the k largest scoring previous words as input whose contribution is weighted by their scores v's. In practice, we employ a schedule, whereby we use only the ground truth words at the beginning and gradually let the model use its own top-k predictions as training proceeds. 



2.3 Sequence level training

Using the reinforcement learning




In practice, they approximate the expectation with a single sample from the distribution of actions.

