Some papers about image caption

1 Deep Visual-Semantic Alignments for Generating Image Description (CVPR2015)

2 long-term recurrent convolutional networks for visual recognition and description cvpr2015

3 Show and tell, a neural image caption generator.

4 Unifying visual-semantic embeddins with multimodal neural language model.

   This work has published code on github.

and author also published other interesting work such as skip-thought.

5 Explain images with multimodal recurrent neural networks

6 Show, Attend and Tell, neural image caption generation with visual attention. 

 aslo very interesting work. use MCMC method.

7 Mind's eye: a recurrent visual representation for image caption generation. cvpr2015 CMU

8 From captions to visual concepts and back.

9 Order-embeddings of images and language

10 deep compositional captions: describing novel object categories without paired training data.